Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Maths activities

We are having fun doing maths activities every Friday.







Science week - The Heart

In science we are learning about the heart. During science week teacher and Ms Redmond dissected lambs hearts. We could see the different chambers of the heart. Here are some pictures.






Sunday, 5 November 2017

5th class visited the Maths Fair

We had fun at the maths fair during Maths Week.We visited each station. It was so much fun.






September in room 7

We participated in Active School week.

We went to Clondalkin library and created wonderful mandalas with the artist Patricia Fitzgerald.


We had fun with Ms Walker in Drama


We are enjoying our magic of music lessons with Catherine

Some our our artwork from September name art with a focus on lines and dice art inspired by the artist Joan Miro.


Roald Dahl Day

September 13th was Roald Dahl Day. We all enjoyed Roald Dahl day in school, we all wore something yellow to school because yellow was Roald Dahl's favourite colour. We wrote our own revolting rhymes, we sketched Roald Dahl, we did a fact file on Roald Dahl, we wrote about a medicine that we would create inspired by the story 'George's Marvellous Medicine', we had fun with backwards writing inspired by Roald Dahl's book 'Esio Trot', we created sweets that would be worthy of Willy Wonka and we created our own Gobblefunk swishwiffling words insipred by the story 'The BFG'. Teacher also read a few Roald Dahl books aloud to us in September - Esio Trot, George's Marvellous Medicine, Revolting Rhymes, The Giraffe and Pelly and Me.Teacher asked Ms Burke Heneghan to buy a set of Roald Dahl books for our class and some of us borrowed Roald Dahl books on our trip to Clondalkin library.

We are enjoying bible studies with Colin Sheldon. We will have 5 sessions this year learning about stories from the old testament and next year we will learn about the new testament.

Green Fashion Show and Halloween in room 7

We created amazing costumes for the Green fashion show. 
Check out our costumes






We did lovely Halloween art. We created witches and vampires inspired by the artist Pablo Picasso.

 We created oil pastel drawings 'The Cauldron of Colours'


 We had fun with Halloween stencelling


We have been learning all about the different layers of the Earth and about volcanoes. We were put into small groups and working together,  ...